Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^DwightJM$
Year : 1873
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Horsley, Charles EdwardReminiscences of Mendelssohn by His English Pupil. [3] DwightJM 32 20 11 Jan 1873 361-363
2. Johann Sebastian Bach, 'Passion Music,' ('According to the Gospel of St. Matthew'). Words English and German. The English translation and adaptation by John S. Dwight. Full vocal score, with piano-forte accompaniment mainly by Julius Stern. Boston: Published by Oliver Ditson & Co. DwightJM 32 26 5 Apr 1873 1-221
3. [anon.]Paris [Société des Concerts] DwightJM 32 26 5 Apr 1873 415-416
4. [anon.]Rubinstein and his 'Ocean Symphony' in New York (For the 'Tribune', April 1). DwightJM 33 1 19 Apr 1873 4
5. [anon.]London. Passion Music in Passion week. Bach's 'St. Matthew Passion', five times in one week! DwightJM 33 2 3 May 1873 11-12
6. [anon.]London. St. Anne's Church, Soho. DwightJM 33 2 3 May 1873 12
7. [anon.]London. Bach in Birmingham. DwightJM 33 2 3 May 1873 12
8. [anon.]Utrecht [Bach Society concert]. DwightJM 33 2 3 May 1873 13
9. [anon.]The London 'Times' on Dr. Hans von Buelow. DwightJM 33 6 28 Jun 1873 44-45
10. MacFarren, George AlexanderJ. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew'. DwightJM 33 15 1 Nov 1873 113-114
11. MacFarren, George AlexanderJ. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew' (Concluded from page 114). DwightJM 33 15 15 Nov 1873 122
12. [anon.]Bach's Christmas music [Collection of anthems and arias to form Bach's 'Christmas Oratorio'] (From the 'Orchestra', London). DwightJM 33 18 13 Dec 1873 138-139

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita